Mortgage Solutions

Get a mortgage best suited to your needs and save
thousands of dollars in interest costs!

Using a Mortgage Specialist has never been more important....

With the recent changes to the Mortgage Industry implimented by the Canadian government over the last several months, the need to work with a Licenced Mortgage Specialist has never been more important. The changes have impacted who can qualify to get a mortgage, the amount of down payment required for certain mortgage products and how much a borrower can qualify for. Other factors such as types of credit you have, and a borrowers credit score can affect the qualifing process as well!

A Licenced Professional Mortgage Specialist, uses his experience and knowledge of a constantly changing mortgage industry, to shop the market to the benefit of his customers. Another benefit of using the services of a Mortgage Specialist is that he has access to a variety institutional lenders as well as private lenders, and is able to provide unbiased advise; unlike Bank Mortgage Representatives who are employees of a bank and can only offer the products sold by their institution.

In this new lending environment it only makes sense to work with a Certified Mortgage Professional to provide you the most complete advice available to make a truly educated borrowing decision.

Discover powerful methods to save thousands of your hard earned dollars on your mortgage! Learn how prepayment options differ from lender to lender and how they can have a dramatic impact on your mortgage.

Reduce the interest you pay on your mortgage! (Yes, it's possible and I will show you how!). Imagine the difference to your life if you paid off your mortgage just 5 years early - all that money you payed would go into your pocket!

Everyone has the ability to save thousands if they knew how. But sadly, most people just accept things the way they are and don't realize that with a little reorganization of their finances, they'll be on the road to being free from that mortgage!

Major financial instututions do not want you to know these secrets because they want YOUR money!

Contact me today!
Gord Malin
Lic#: M10001237

For a free, no obligation telephone consultation, click the More Information button below.

Gord Malin

My name is Gord Malin
My mission is to help home owners solve their challenging mortgage problems.

Mortgage Brokers........
Your First Choice

Why Use a Mortgage Broker?
Mortgage Brokers are independent, trained professionals, licensed to represent and provide you with the best advice for your mortgage needs.
Mortgage Brokers are experts at locating funding for mortgage financing. They know where the best rates can be found and have the knowledge required to present a proposal for financing to lenders in the best way possible to obtain your mortgage financing.

Why deal with a Mortgage Broker?
Mortgage Brokers represent you, the customer, not the lender. Brokers are not limited in the product they can offer you. Brokers seek out the best lender package with a Chartered Bank, Trust or Insurance Company, or Private Funds to suit your specific situation.
Shopping around for a mortgage can be very frustrating and takes significant time and effort.
Mortgage Brokers can help you get a mortgage best suited to your needs and may save you thousands dollars in interest costs.

How do Mortgage Brokers Find Lower Rates?
Mortgage brokers work with traditional sources, such as chartered banks, trust companies and pension funds. In addition to these sources, brokers often develop professional relationships with private lenders. Your Mortgage Broker knows which lender to approach first. As a result, mortgage rates obtained by Brokers are among the best available at the time of placement.

Why should I go to a Mortgage Broker first?
Often the success of obtaining mortgage approval depends on the way a proposal is presented and to whom it is sent.
Your Mortgage Broker is trained to present your mortgage proposal where and how it will get the most immediate, positive result.


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